
Company Car & Van


Per Individual Test

Welcome to our unique and simple test for checking that the sight of commercial vehicle drivers complies with DVSA & DVLA Regulations.

EyeLab recommends FORS (Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme) the voluntary accreditation scheme for all commercial vehicle organisations, their drivers and self-employed drivers.

Small Print

The HGV & PSV SeeDrivePro tests correspond to the DVLA required standards which are equivalent to Snellen 6/7.5 and 6/60 visual acuity. It is a more advanced test than the CAR & VAN SeeDrivePro drivers’ number plate test as each eye has to be tested separately using smaller letters which must be read correctly by at least one eye. Also the other eye must at least read the larger letters correctly.

The DVLA also advises that drivers should have adequate peripheral vision when looking straight ahead. If you are in doubt a driver’s visual field test called an Esterman Test, can be carried out by an optometrist, eye doctor or ophthalmologist. A simulated Esterman Visual Field Test to check your field of vision as defined by the DVLA Regulations is available on this website link EVFT.

SeeDrivePro Company Car & Van should be a routine check-up and costs just £4.

EyeLab Sight Tests are ONLY valid, reliable and accurate if carried out using a computer with a minimum screen size of 16″

This test will provide the equivalent of the MOT Number Plate Test for all private car and motorcycle drivers. It is not suitable for HGV & PSV drivers.

These vision screening tests must be supervised by a colleague to ensure accurate and valid results.

A full and confidential database of employees’ results along with each individual’s advice is stored for audit.

This version of SeeDrivePro observes the DVLA & DVSA ‘Snellen’ standards recommended for company car & van drivers.

Drivers of HGV & PSV vehicles must use the higher standard test, SeeDrivePro HVG & PSV.

Drivers Visual Field Test – A simulated Esterman Visual Field Test (EVFT)  is now available on this website, see below.

Vision screening tests are not intended to replace regular eye examinations and health assessments by your optometrist or eye doctor.

Please Note; You are reminded that you must let the DVLA know if you have a medical problem that affects eyesight such as; Diabetes, Glaucoma or Cataract.