Per Individual Test
A simulated ‘Esterman Visual Field Test’ (EVFT) for commercial vehicle drivers
EVFT enables drivers to test if they have the required field of vision as defined in the Regulations in the Appendix below.
This is a statutory requirement for commercial vehicle drivers in the UK and many other countries.
EyeLab recommends that EVFT is checked every 12 months when taking the SeeDrivePro routine test. This will conform to the DVSA & DVLA ‘Esterman Test’ which is described in the Regulations.
In addition to the vision test SeeDrivePro please note that commercial vehicle drivers should have a minimum standard of visual field (peripheral vision) as tested with an Esterman Visual Field Test.
You will need a computer monitor or TV with a minimum horizontal width of 16 inches (41cms) or a laptop connected to the internet which has a HDMI output plus a HDMI cable to connect your laptop to the monitor.
This test is designed to be supervised to ensure accurate and valid results. A manager or supervisor must oversee the test to ensure that all intructions are carefully followed and to verify your answers.

Setting Up Instructions
Please ensure that you comply with ALL of these set-up instructions.
EVFT How It Works…
Please ensure that you comply with ALL of these test instructions.
EVFT tests your LEFT and RIGHT field of vision separately.
You must keep BOTH eyes open throughout the tests.
The full test should take about 5 to 10 minutes.

RIGHT field of vision
Once you have completed the test of your LEFT visual field we shall repeat the same for your RIGHT visual field.

Now select one of the following 2 options:
Appendix Standards of Vision for Driving
Lorry and Bus Drivers (HGV & PSV)
You must have a visual acuity at least 0.8 (6/7.5) measured on the Snellen scale in your best eye and at least 0.1 (6/60) on the Snellen scale in the other eye.
You can reach this standard using glasses with a corrective power not more than (+) 8 dioptres, or with contact lenses. There’s no specific limit for the corrective power of contact lenses.
The EyeLab Simulated Esterman Visual Field Test EVFT
You must have a horizontal visual field of at least 160 degrees, the extension should be at least 70 degrees left and right and 30 degrees up and down. No defects should be present within a radius of the central 30 degrees. For best practice, EyeLab EVFT will fail any missed target.
Please Note; You must let the DVLA know if you have any problem with your eyesight that affects either eye, such as; Diabetes, Glaucoma or Cataract.
Reviewed for EyeLab 01/06/2020